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Lightna frontend for Magento

Adobe Commerce
Magento Open Source

If you ever wanted to improve the speed or capacity of your Magento store, you are on the right way.

What sets Lightna apart from the other custom Magento 2 storefront solutions?

  • Since Lightna is built on the same server-side technology stack, your Magento backend developers can easily dive into it
  • Lightna is the only existing solution that drastically increases server-side performance, whereas other custom storefronts focus only on CSS/JS. Lightna includes improvements for SSR and web vitals; Others include only web vitals
  • Lightna is fully SSR and SEO-oriented, unlike PWA and SPA, which improve user experience to some degree but have their own issues. These can include slow response times, caching-related problems, performance degradation, and poor web vitals

Lightna gives 2 options to optimize your store performance:

  1. Using Lightna Lane in your development.
  2. Migrating pages to the full-fledged Lightna solution.

Lightna Lane

Lightna Lane allows to move only some features to Lightna and keep the rest on the existing solution.

  • You prevent further performance degradation and create opportunities for future improvements while gradually progressing toward a fully optimized Lightna solution.
  • You can stay with the current design.
  • You can maintain high compatibility with third-party extensions.
  • You have a number of out of the box features.


You will own all Lightna benefits, reduce the cost of Magento upgrades, and decrease the cost of any further development on the project.

Lightna brings a new frontend approach as well as a new approach to customize it thus custom Magento modules don't have any effect on Lightna pages. Customizing Lightna frontend is way easier than Magento; therefore, integrating existing customizations would take less time and effort than one could expect. However, don't expect a miracle if you migrate complex frontend customization.

Migration to Lightna can be as smooth as you need, you can migrate one page type at first, and another later.

Migrating the frontend to Lightna you will need:

  • Migrate your design to Lightna
  • If you have customization or third-party modules that customize pages rendered by Lightna, you will need to adapt them
  • If you rely on a standard Magento feature or configuration that is not yet implemented in Lightna, you will need to adopt it also; in the first release, we will support only the most used ones

Concerning PSP integrations. Lightna doesn't render checkout page yet, PSP Magento modules work as they should. When Lightna will support checkout, you'll still have an option to decide what will render checkout page.

The first release is going to be MVP which will cover the most visited pages and the most used functionalities:

  • CMS pages
  • Product pages for simple and configurable products
  • Category pages
  • Shared parts, like the header and footer, will be rendered by Lightna on all pages
  • [TBD] Shopping cart page

The next releases will cover more pages and [TBD] will include adapters for widely used Magento extensions.